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(Canada) Flin Flon MB: School opens sensory room; "influx of students with exceptional needs"

DEC 22, 2021, Flin Flon (MB) Reminder: Ruth Betts school opens new sensory room with community support

Ruth Betts Community School now has a new tool to help teach kids with exceptional needs - thanks in part to a pair of generous donors. The school has officially opened a new sensory room, geared towards helping kids get acquainted with sensory input in a controlled environment. “Around the start of last year, we realized we had a lot of students who could benefit from it. As the year progressed, we realized that the need is really necessary,” said Ruth Betts vice-principal Mike McLellan…. A sensory room includes lights, colours, sounds, soft play objects and the like to allow kids to explore their own sense in a controlled, therapeutic environment. Sensory rooms are aimed toward children with special education needs, including students on the autism spectrum. “It’s therapeutic in nature. Students who kind of need a break, a calm space, can use it as needed,” said McLellan…. “We have had an influx of students with exceptional needs who would really benefit from having a calm space in the school,” said McLellan….


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