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(Ireland) 10K children waiting for assessments; 110K waiting for services

 Sept 29, 2024, The Sun: Our overburdened system is failing kids with autism – every child deserves the right to thrive & it’s time we delivered

Labour Party leader Ivana Bacik says it’s time for action on autism supports for our children--


CAMPAIGNERS marched on Leinster House on Thursday for an autism rally organised by a 14-year-old girl.

Cara Darmody — who has two younger brothers with the condition — told protestors that Ireland is “an international embarrassment” on child disability issues and wants ­politicians to act.

The Tipperary teenager has been protesting outside Leinster house once a week since June.

She said: “I shouldn’t be here — I should be in school, in class being a normal 14-year-old.

“Instead, I’m standing up for kids who cannot fight back, all because our political system treats children with disabilities disgracefully.”

Her campaign has the backing of a number of politicians. And today Labour Party leader Ivana Bacik says it’s time for action on autism supports for our children.


AFTER the national rally calling for more autism supports for children that took place last Thursday outside Leinster House we must reflect on what has gone wrong and where we need to go from here.

Every child in this country deserves a fair start, but the current system is failing them.

We need to get the basics right and ensure each child has access to the resources and support they need, from diagnosis to intervention. The time for waiting is over.

For far too long, children with autism and their families have been left to struggle in an underfunded and ­overburdened system.

The long-awaited Autism Innovation Strategy, is an opportunity for the Government to finally deliver meaningful change. But it must go beyond words on paper. This strategy needs to lead to immediate, tangible action.

Early intervention is absolutely critical for children with autism.

Every expert will tell you the same: the earlier we can provide support, the better the outcomes for the child.

Yet, the harsh reality in ­Ireland is that many families are forced to wait years for autism assessments and the subsequent therapies their children need.


These delays are a national scandal. We know that over 10,000 children are waiting for an Assessment of Need and 110,000 are awaiting essential therapies. This is simply ­unacceptable.

The provision of autism classes in our education system is so far behind where it needs to be. We have 3,300 primary schools in the country but only 1,028 of them, a third, provide autism classes.

In many cases, families are not only dealing with the emotional strain of navigating an inadequate system, but are also facing immense financial pressure.

When the State fails to ­provide timely and adequate support, families are often left with no choice but to seek private assessments and therapies, adding further to their already stretched resources.

This is precisely why Labour’s Autism Bill recognised that the State must meet the needs of children first, through the provision of well-resourced public health and education services.

We cannot continue to allow children to be failed by an under-resourced system for assessments and therapies.

The Government must make ending these waiting times a top priority. We cannot afford to let any more children fall through the cracks of this broken system.

Every child with autism deserves equal access to ­support and services,'

Ivana BacikLabour Party

Investing in autism supports and services isn’t just a moral imperative; it’s a ­necessary step if we are to create a fairer, more inclusive society.

When we fail to act, we are failing our children. The tireless campaigning by Cara Darmody must be applauded.

Her dedication to this cause has been nothing short of remarkable, and it is clear her advocacy has played a huge role in the progress we are seeing today.

But progress should not stop at mere announcements.

The Government must take concrete steps to implement a National Autism Strategy, bringing Ireland in line with other European countries that have long recognised the importance of comprehensive, state-funded autism supports.


Every child with autism deserves equal access to ­support and services, and it is the Government’s responsibility to make this a reality.

By failing to act, we are condemning not only the children of today but the future of our country to a ­system that is unjust, unequal, and unsustainable.

Government must urgently implement the National Autism Strategy and ensure it is properly resourced and enforced.

They must ensure that Assessments of Needs are carried out and recommended supports and therapies given within the legal time frame.


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