Jan 18, 2024, Palm Desert, CA, News Channel 3: A local parent is urging more cities to become ‘Certified Autism Centers’ https://kesq.com/news/2024/01/18/a-local-parent-is-urging-more-cities-to-become-certified-autism-centers/
With the city of Palm Desert becoming an Autism Certified City, they are on the path of ensuring the community is genuinely inclusive based on the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). A local parent and advocate of making the entire Coachella Valley is championing more cities to do the same.
Josh Heinz is the Partnership Coordinator for Visit Graeter Palm Springs, but he is a father of three children on the spectrum. He explained how he would feel less concerned for his children if they lived in a valley where every city was certified.
Below are logos of businesses in the Valley that are Certified Autism Centers in the Valley, but Palm Desert is the first city in California to become an ACC.