Sept 26, 2022, Ledbury Reporter: Latest Ofsted for Rowden House School in Bromyard

HELP: Rowden House School in Bromyard
Central England
A SCHOOL which caters for pupils with complex educational needs is celebrating a positive report from Ofsted.
Rowden House School, which is a specialist school in Bromyard for pupils with autism and other educational needs.
The school was overall rated as "Good" by inspectors with two "Outstanding" judgements for behaviour and personal development....
Ruth Nolan, head of learning said: "We are delighted that the report reflects the hard work and dedication of staff to provide students at Rowden with a personalised and meaningful education which prepares them for their future....
"Staff maintain clear and consistent routines. They support pupils to manage their behaviour exceptionally well."
Rowden House School is an independent special school catering for pupils with severe learning difficulties and challenging behaviour.
Most pupils have a diagnosis autism spectrum disorder and have learning, social and communication difficulties.
It is part of the SENAD Group, which operates six special needs schools, post-16 provision, transition services, community support and adult care homes across the UK, including Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Herefordshire and Dolgellau in Wales.