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(UK) Derbys: MPs slam local council over "widespread, systemic failings"

Feb 16, 2025, Derbyshire Telegraph: Derbyshire at 'crisis point' over 'industrial scale failure' of children with special education needs 

Derbyshire's MPs, all of which are Labour, railed against Derbyshire County Council in Parliament

 Derbyshire is at a “crisis point” over children with special educational needs with families being “failed on an “industrial scale” for years, MPs have said in Parliament. Nine of Derbyshire’s 11 MPs – all Labour – took part in a Parliamentary discussion on the county’s issues with support for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

.This follows a highly critical joint Ofsted and CQC inspection report on SEND support provided by Derbyshire County Council (DCC) and the county’s health and social care system last year. Linsey Farnsworth, Amber Valley MP, speaking in the House of Commons, said: “Phones are not answered and emails go un-responded to. It is not sustainable for this to be the status quo.

“Many children are missing significant portions of their education, with some falling out of school altogether. That is all while DCC fails to communicate. Parents and carers talk about barriers at every stage of the process and about how they are ‘ignored’ by an ‘unresponsive’ council.

“Our children and their families are paying the price. These children are missing education, being labelled as ‘disruptive’ and suffering from poor mental health. The Conservatives at DCC have acknowledged the failings and issued an apology.

“That is a necessary first step, but it is far from sufficient. It has been five months since Ofsted uncovered widespread and systemic failings. Although the council claims to be making improvements, the pace of change is far too slow. We are at a crisis point in Derbyshire."

The nine Labour MPs all told of constituents that had encountered difficulties with the county council. John Whitby, Derbyshire Dales MP, described the situation as “utter chaos” made worse by a “revolving door of senior officers, unfilled posts, consultants and temporary positions”. Catherine Atkinson, Derby North MP, said children in the city faced a year-long wait for SEN tribunals, “causing agony as they are left in limbo”.


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