Oct 12, 2021, Epping Forest Guardian: Harlow: New school for special educational needs https://www.eppingforestguardian.co.uk/news/19641375.plans-new-school-harlow-children-special-educational-needs-disability/
SE England
Development proposals for a new Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) in Harlow could offer 64 places to pupils.
The children and young people who will be attending the school will be disadvantaged for a number of reasons that include disorders stemming from childhood trauma.
The new school will be named The Greenwell Academy and located on Tendring Road, the grounds of the adjacent Sir Frederick Gibberd College, which is currently under construction.
Through the Department for Education (DfE), Central Government funding has been secured to deliver the Greenwell Academy, a 64-place school for pupils aged 7-16 and 15 residential places, with approximately 30 staff.
Access into the site is proposed from Tendring Road, which firstly leads to the residential building and then the main school building located centrally within the site….
