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(UK) Hull: Respite care home for disabled children in the works

Nov 1, 2022, Hull CC News: Work begins on new children’s home for disability short breaks

NE England

Work is starting on a new modern, fully adapted, energy efficient home for young people and their families, for disability short breaks….

The new build provision will be able to support up to six children at a time and replaces the existing Limetree Court, which is graded as Good by Ofsted….

It is being funded by Hull City Council and the Department for Education.

Councillor Linda Tock, Portfolio Holder for children’s services said: “The council is continuing to raise the standards of care for the city’s children, and becoming a leader in how children’s homes are delivered....

Tony Hatley is a Parent/Carer of a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and has supported in giving a service user perspective of the council’s short break services. He has also helped with how children and their families using the current Limetree Court could be involved in co-producing how the new facility should look. Along with the children and their families, ...

Alongside Limetree Court, Little Limetree is also due to open in Spring 2023, which will provide respite accommodation for up to two children. The council has purchased a property and is currently adapting it. Little Limetree will help develop the children’s independence skills and support the transition to adulthood. The two homes combined will be able to provide up to 56 short break overnight sessions each week.

Visualisation by architect BDP of how the new Limetree Court will look


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