June 20, 2024, Border Counties Advertizer: Specialist autism unit planned for Morda school, Oswestry
W. England
A north Shropshire school could provide specialist teaching places to children with special needs under plans being considered by Shropshire Council.
The proposal would see Morda Primary School establish an eight-pupil unit for children with autistic spectrum conditions and speech, language and communication needs.
The council says the places would be targeted at pupils with developmental difficulties of a significant to severe nature but who are “able to integrate and be part of a mainstream school community”.
A public consultation on the scheme launched yesterday (June 18), but if successful, the first pupils would be enrolled in September.
The so-called “resourced provision” places at Morda are being offered in response to a significant increase in demand in the area, with further increases projected. . . .
The authority says the move is part of a plan to reduce the amount of pupils being sent to specialist schools outside Shropshire by improving provision within the county borders.
Extra capital grant funding for the programme is being provided by the Department for Education, with top up revenue funding for the scheme provided via Shropshire Council’s Dedicated Schools Grant.
“This will free special school places for pupils with the highest level of needs and provide the opportunity to place high need pupils within the county, rather than in out of county provision or in the independent sector.” . . .
