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(UK) Sittingbourne: $15M autism school for 32 pupils opens; expected to grow to 160 in 5 yrs

Aug 2, 2020, Kent Online: First look at latest special Aspire School in Vellum Drive, near Sittingbourne Staff at a new £11.5 million [$15M U.S.] special free school are counting down the days until children walk through the doors. Building at Aspire School in Vellum Drive, near Sittingbourne, was completed only three weeks behind schedule. The school will welcome up to 32 pupils in September, growing to 160 children over five years. Staff will be recruited as the school grows over this time. Mr Dipple said he has already got 24 spaces filled and expects that to grow to about 28 or 30 by the time September comes around. Youngsters will need to have an Education, Health and Care Plan – a legal document setting out a child’s special educational needs (SEN). One of the corridors at the Aspire School, near Sittingbourne Kent County Council can then refer them to the school. Pupils also have to be from Swale, Thanet or parts of Maidstone and have an autism or speech and language challenges…. When it is running at full capacity, there will be 21 classes with two to three teaching assistants….


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