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(UK) Stoke-on-Trent: Special school fails inspection; 'out of control' students

Mar 17, 2022, Stoke Sentinel: Stoke-on-Trent school with 'out of control' pupils to be taken over

Central England

Portland School was recently placed in special measures after failing an inspection A special school where inspectors found some pupils are ‘out of control’ is being fast-tracked into becoming a sponsored academy. The Department for Education has stepped in after Portland School was placed in special measures following a series of concerns.

These included chronic staffing shortages, with Ofsted highlighting how this had left the remaining staff stretched ‘to the limit’. It has also meant pupils being regularly taught by supply teachers rather than permanent staff.

The report, published last month, described it as a ‘school of two halves’. Pupils on the primary site at Trent Vale benefit from a ‘calm atmosphere’ and staff meet their needs well. But ‘too many’ students at the secondary base in Blythe Bridge ‘are not engaged in learning and do not achieve well’. The inspectors also said ‘behaviour incidents escalate and get out of control’ among older pupils…. . StokeonTrentLive understands that two potential sponsors have been in the frame. They are thought to be Shaw Education Trust and Orchard Community Trust.

These two trusts oversee a number of successful special schools across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. Shaw is understood to have been offering some support to Portland School in the short-term.

Portland caters for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs and is one of the city’s specialist centres for young people with challenging behaviour….

Portland School in Blythe Bridge


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