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(UK) Wales: Schools failings students with autism: MS for North Wales

Feb 17, 2022, The Leader: 'I expressed concern that waiting list numbers in Wales continue to rise'

Speaking in the Senedd, I called for a Welsh Government Statement on the Education of Autistic pupils in Wales following the publication of Swansea University School of Education’s Preliminary Report on the Education of Autistic Pupils in Wales. This identified serious failings, including ‘Over three-quarters of Autistic Pupils said that being in school causes increased anxiety’, ‘over half thought they were not getting enough help during the school day’ and ‘a third felt their teachers did not understand them’; and 90% of educators ‘felt their Local Authority had been generally unsupportive’. I said “this reflects my own high case load in this area, with those officers who have previously refused to understand Autism continuing to do so, causing pain and blaming the parents”....

Questioning the Counsel General, I called for the Welsh Government to engage positively with the UK Government over both the proposed UK Brexit Freedoms Bill and the announcement that 500 UK Ministry of Justice roles will be moving to Wales, including Wrexham; and with UK Government and UK Parliament actions to deliver access to justice.

I attended the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) Regional Finance Session (North Wales) with Council Leaders and MSs for the region. Discussion included the financial challenges facing local services following the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget and Provisional Local Government Settlement for 2022-23.


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