July 18, 2023, Wexham AFC: AUTISM-FRIENDLY FOOTBALL | Book now for summer holiday sessions https://www.wrexhamafc.co.uk/news/2023/july/autism-friendly-football--book-now-for-summer-holiday-sessions/
S. England
Our Autism-Friendly Football Sessions will return during the summer holidays, with two sessions each for both primary-age children and secondary-age children.
Taking place at the Wrexham Glyndwr University Sports Hall, the sessions are organised by Disability Liaison Officer Kerry Evans, in conjunction with the Wrexham Branch of The National Autistic Society, and run by the Wrexham AFC Community Trust.
Secondary-age children can attend on Tuesday July 25, 2023 and Monday August 7, 2023, with both sessions running between 2pm and 3pm.
Our sessions for primary-age children will be on Wednesday July 26, 2023 and Wednesday August 9, 2023, with both sessions running between 2pm and 3pm.
The sessions are free of charge, with the Wrexham Branch of The National Autistic Society covering the cost of each child attending.
