Mar 18, 2025, WIRF, Wheeling WV: Free sensory-friendly showing of Finding Nemo this weekend at Oglebay Institute Towngate Theatre and Cinema
Several local organizations are teaming up to provide a sensory-friendly movie showing of the Pixar classic “Finding Nemo.”
Easterseals Rehabilitation Center, the Rotary Club of Wheeling and Oglebay Institute Towngate Theatre and Cinema have come together to provide this free showing for the community.
Many individuals on the Autism Spectrum or with other developmental disabilities can have a difficult time in a traditional movie theater, with all of the loud sounds and bright lights.
“Lower volume, it will have more light, so the house lights will be dimmed but not off, and you’ll be able to move around without feeling like people are looking at your or getting upset with you.”
“I think this is an amazing partnership in bringing the sensory sensitivity movie Finding Nemo to Towngate in partnership with Rotary. It’s right down our alley.”
The free showing will be at the Towngate Theater this Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00pm.
